2025, #2
Hi there! Welcome to Ed’s Clean Energy & Sustainability Jobs List, where we know climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels such as gasoline, coal, oil, and fossil gas (“natural” gas), and that burning fossil gas in our homes makes us sick.
I’ve made changes to my subscription model, read about it here. Jobs that require less than five years experience remain free.
There are individual subscriptions available as well as career center subscriptions. College student? Please ask your career center to sign up for a paid subscription, especially if they pointed you here. Odds are they have not subscribed.
Want to support the jobs list, but can’t swing a subscription? I started an affiliate bookshop on Bookshop.org that will send me a small affiliate bonus if you purchase books using this link (https://bookshop.org/shop/EdsCleanJobs). I also included a selection of books that I’ve enjoyed that address climate change and climate solutions. You can also send me a one-time payment/tip using this link.
What I'm reading this week:
The Growing Push to Ban Renewable Energy in Oklahoma (Jael Holzman, Heatmap News)
Cold-weather range hits aren’t as bad for EVs with heat pumps (Kristoffer Teague, Inside Climate News via ArsTechnica)
Environmental (in)justice articles of the week:
How one nonprofit is working to build support for solar — and added benefits for communities — in rural North Carolina (Elizabeth Ouzts, Energy News Network)
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- I don't post unpaid internships.
- This project is not related to my day job. Any opinions expressed here are mine alone and do not reflect those of my employer.
- Did you find a job from my list? Please let me know. I started this to help people and knowing I succeeded is rewarding.
Thank you for subscribing, thank you for reading, and thanks for all of the job tips!
Good luck with your job search!
-Ed Carley
Graduate Data Science Intern. Elephant Energy. Denver, CO or Boston, MA. https://elephantenergy.com/job/graduate-data-science-intern/. $30-$35/hr.
Healthy Rivers Policy Intern. Western Resource Advocates. Denver, CO or Boulder, CO hybrid. https://westernresourceadvocates.org/internships-at-wra/. $20/hour.
Energy Assessor Trainees (2 positions). Performance Systems Development (PSD). Remote U.S. https://recruiting.paylocity.com/recruiting/jobs/Details/2858741/Energy-Assessor-Trainee?source=NEEP. 0-3 years experience. $15-$18/hour.
Summer Legal Intern. Clean Air Task Force. Remote in the U.S. or hybrid in Boston, MA. https://www.catf.us/career/summer-legal-intern/. 1L or 2L.
Grazing Lands Manager. Sustainable Northwest. Eastern/Central, OR /Hybrid. https://www.sustainablenorthwest.org/careers. $66,000-$74,000/year.
Digital Media Manager. Sustainable Northwest. Portland, OR/Hybrid. https://www.sustainablenorthwest.org/careers. $69.000-$78,000/year.
Outside the U.S.
Manager, Energy. We Mean Business Coalition. United Kingdom/ remote with preference for Europe. https://wemeanbusinessco.careers.hibob.com/jobs/79eb0328-7953-4f15-b0cb-ca0dd5636cce. 8+ years experience.
Sustainability Analyst. American Express Global Business Travel. London, UK or Poland. https://travelhrportal.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/Jobs/job/London-United-Kingdom/Sustainability-Analyst_J-70770. 2+ years experience.
Sustainability Manager. American Express Global Business Travel. London, UK or Poland. https://travelhrportal.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/Jobs/job/London-United-Kingdom/Sustainability-Manager_J-71402. 6+ years experience.
Heavy Industry and Recycling Manager. RMI. Beijing, China. https://rockymountain.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/RMI/details/Heavy-Industry-and-Recycling-Manager_R-101295?redirect=/en-US/RMI/userHome. 2-4 years experience.
Entry level to five years experience
Administrative Assistant. Built Environment Plus. Boston, MA (hybrid). https://builtenvironmentplus.org/project/administrative-assistant/. Entry level. 45K-55k/year.
Clean Energy Program Coordinator. Sustainable Westchester. Mount Kisco, NY (Hybrid). https://job-boards.greenhouse.io/sustainablewestchester/jobs/4454967008. Entry level. $24.04 per hour.
Buildings Program Associate. Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance. Atlanta, GA. https://seealliance.bamboohr.com/careers/24?source=aWQ9OQ==. Entry level. $52k+/year.
Regional Planner. Bennington County Regional Commission. Bennington VT or Hybrid. http://www.bcrcvt.org/employment.html Early career professional. $60K-$70K/year.
Existing Buildings Research Associate. Built Environment Plus. Boston, MA. (hybrid).https://builtenvironmentplus.org/project/existing-buildings-research-associate/ 0-5 years of experience. $55k – $65k/year.
Product Associate. Built Environment Plus. Boston, MA (hybrid). https://builtenvironmentplus.org/project/product-associate-beconnects/. 0-5 years of experience. $55k – $65k/year.
Senior Analyst, Capital Markets. Generate. San Francisco, CA, or New York, NY. https://generatecapital.com/careers/?ashby_jid=e0c9851f-0962-4695-975a-fb8b50fdf47f. 1+ years experience. $115k-$140k/year.
Senior Analyst, Investment - North America. Generate. San Francisco, CA, or New York, NY. https://generatecapital.com/careers/?ashby_jid=1f6cb8c8-2785-4f84-b222-c6b279d4d8e1. 1-2 years experience. $105k-$140k/year.
Coordinator, Foundation Relations. Natural Resources Defense Council. New York, NY, San Francisco, CA, or Chicago, IL. https://careers-nrdc.icims.com/jobs/5687/coordinator%2c-foundation-relations/job. 1-3 years experience. $50k-$60k/year.
Program Assistant. Institute for Sustainable Communities. Remote. https://jobs.gusto.com/postings/institute-for-sustainable-communities-program-assistant-577aca40-5263-4cc7-b996-b81e9dd88d33. 2+ years experience. $51k-$60k/year.
Program Assistant, U.S. Program. RMI. Remote or Washington, DC. https://rockymountain.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/RMI/details/Program-Assistant---US-Program_R-101302-1?redirect=/en-US/RMI/userHome. 2+ years experience. $25.38-$31.49/hour.
Senior Policy Manager, Community Power Coalition. Coalition for Community Solar Access. Washington, DC. https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/4117969239. 2+ years experience. $90k-$120k/year.
Manager, Corporate Climate Standards Development and Engagement. Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. Washington, DC. https://recruiting.paylocity.com/recruiting/jobs/Details/2837501/Center-for-Climate-and-Energy-Solutions/Manager-Corporate-Climate-Standards-Development-and-Engagement. 2-7 years experience, depending on educational attainment. $79k-$98k/year.
Senior Associate, People & Diversity. Ceres. Boston, MA or remote. https://www.ceres.org/careers/opportunities?gnk=job&gni=8a78859e93dc3ace0193f4c6cbc91667&qToken=eyJ1aWQiOjQ0OTcxLCJwcm92aWRlciI6ImJvdW5jZSIsInR5cGUiOiJlbWFpbCJ9.N82ixVgAYShBd0-yqLtVEIGiyLc. 3+ years experience. $58,656 - $67,600/year.
Communications and Engagement Specialist, Colorado Solar for All. Colorado Energy Office. Denver, CO. https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/colorado/jobs/4721144/communications-engagement-specialist-colorado-solar-for-all?keywords=ceo&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs. 3+ years experience. $68k-$84k/year.
Annual Fund Manager. Western Resource Advocates. Boulder, CO. https://workforcenow.adp.com/mascsr/default/mdf/recruitment/recruitment.html?cid=fcff33b7-0f48-4744-b27b-0a70af8b27f3&ccId=19000101_000001&jobId=551557&lang=en_US&source=EN. 3+ years experience. $62k-$73k/year.
Agrivoltaics Business Development Manager. Okovate Sustainable Energy. Remote (US). https://okovate.com/careers. $80,000/year base. 3 -5 years experience.
Commission Advisor (Rate/Financial Analyst III). Colorado Department of Public Utilities. Denver, CO. https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/colorado/jobs/4771945/commission-advisor-rate-financial-analyst-iii-dora-public-utilities-commission?department%5B0%5D=Department%20of%20Regulatory%20Agencies&sort=PositionTitle%7CAscending&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs. 4+ years experience. $73k-$95k/year.
Senior Facilities Analyst. Judicial Council of California. San Francisco, CA or Sacramento, CA. https://courts.ca.gov/job/senior-facilities-analyst-sustainability-6312. 4 years experience. $7,710.00 - $11,565.00 per month.
Senior Analyst, Building Energy Codes. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. Washington, DC or Remote (US only). https://recruiting.paylocity.com/recruiting/jobs/Details/2912583/American-Council-for-an-Energy-Efficient-Economy/Sr-Analyst-Building-Energy-Codes. 4 years of experience. $61,800k - $77,250k/year.
Local Procurement Manager. Aramark. Philadelphia, PA. https://aramarkcareers.com/UnitedStates/job/Philadelphia-Local-Procurement-Manager-PA-19103/1244554700/. 4+ years experience.
Senior Associate - Carbon Free Electricity, Grid Modeling. RMI. Remote in the U.S. https://rockymountain.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/RMI/details/Senior-Associate---Carbon-Free-Electricity--Grid-Modeling_R-101313?redirect=/en-US/RMI/userHome. 4+ years experience. $84k-$103k/year.