How to submit a job

Instructions for submitting a job to the list.

If you would like to submit a job, please email edscleanjobs at Please format the listing for me as follows -

Job title. Company/organization name. Location(s) or Remote U.S. Link to the job description (www. companyname or hrsystem .com …). x-y years of experience. Salary range if available. Note: I do not post unpaid internships.

For example:

Program Manager. Your Company. Washington, DC. www. notareallink .com/somestuff. 3-5 years experience. $65k-$80k/year.

Please leave the link in plain text, don’t replace it with anything. I don’t include “depends on experience” in the salary range.

The newsletter is sent on Sunday evenings, typically between 5:30 p.m. ET and 9:30 p.m. ET. For best chances of having your listing included, send the fully formatted posting to me before Sunday evening. Postings are usually only sent once, but I’m happy to re-send listings upon request.

I do accept job listings for positions outside of the United States, and but most of my audience is in the U.S.

Unpaid internships are not accepted. I generally do not post fellowships that require the participant pay a participation fee.

If you have questions, you can email me at edscleanjobs at gmail.