2025, #8
Hi there! Welcome to Ed’s Clean Energy & Sustainability Jobs List, where we know climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels such as gasoline, coal, oil, and fossil gas (“natural” gas), and that burning fossil gas in our homes makes us sick.
I’ve made changes to my subscription model, read about it here. Jobs that require less than five years experience remain free.
There are individual subscriptions ($6/month or $60/year) available as well as career center subscriptions ($300/year). College student? Please ask your career center to sign up for a paid subscription, especially if they pointed you here. Odds are they have not subscribed.
Want to support the jobs list, but can’t swing a subscription? I started an affiliate bookshop on Bookshop.org that will send me a small affiliate bonus if you purchase books using this link (https://bookshop.org/shop/EdsCleanJobs). I also included a selection of books that I’ve enjoyed that address climate change and climate solutions. You can also send me a one-time payment/tip using this link.
What I'm reading listening to this week:
I’m road tripping across the country this week, so podcasts are the order of the day. I’ve got some thoughts on the EV roadtrip experience that I’ll put together once I reach my destination.
Pakistan’s solar boom (David Roberts, Volts).
The data center boom: ‘All the cheap power is gone’ (Stephen Lacey, Katherine Hamilton, and Jigar Shah, Open Circuit). The gang is back together y’all, and I’m happy to have them in my ears again.
- I'm not a recruiter.
- You can send me job tips by responding to this email. Help me help you by putting them in the format that I use. Thanks in advance!
- I don't post unpaid internships.
- This project is not related to my day job. Any opinions expressed here are mine alone and do not reflect those of my employer.
- Did you find a job from my list? Please let me know. I started this to help people and knowing I succeeded is rewarding.
Thank you for subscribing, thank you for reading, and thanks for all of the job tips!
Good luck with your job search!
-Ed Carley
Sustainability Analyst Intern. Equinix. Frisco, TX. https://equinix.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/Frisco/Sustainability-Analyst-Intern_JR-150127.
Energy Storage Fellow. Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources. Boston, MA. https://massanf.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=2500019B&tz=GMT-05%3A00&tzname=America%2FNew_York. $23-35/hour.
Intern, Education. U.S. Green Building Council. Remote in the U.S. https://workforcenow.adp.com/mascsr/default/mdf/recruitment/recruitment.html?cid=8d661a1d-66d3-4337-be21-bf05f238bb42&ccId=19000101_000001&lang=en_US&jobId=547345.
Project Manager, Multifamily. Energy Outreach Colorado. Denver, CO. https://energyoutreach.org/careers/. $73k-$76k/year.
Outside the U.S.
Project Manager, Sustainability. JLL. Multiple locations in Canada. https://jll.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/jllcareers/job/Toronto-ON/Project-Manager--Sustainability_REQ411029. 3-6 years experience.
Lead, Corporate Climate Ambition. World Economic Forum. Geneva, Switzerland. https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/4162700688. 6-8 years experience.
Strategic Sustainability Projects. Volvo. Gothenburg, Sweden. https://jobs.volvocars.com/job/Gothenburg-Strategic-Sustainability-Projects-40531/1175005301/.
Government Jobs
District Climate Change Adaptation Planning Branch Chief. California Department of Transportation. Alameda County, CA. https://calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Jobs/JobPosting.aspx?JobControlId=467406. $8,425-$10,469/month.
Entry level to five years experience
Sustainability Coordinator. Township of Lower Merion. Ardmore, PA. https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/lowermerion/jobs/4840343/sustainability-coordinator?pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs. 0-5 years of experience. $70,492/year.
Natural Resource Coordinator. Hudson Highlands Fjord Trail. Beacon, NY (Hybrid). https://www.paycomonline.net/v4/ats/web.php/jobs/ViewJobDetails?job=143754&clientkey=6D5016E38B57C06CF2CB235A75818C8D&jpt=49ddb28ded7f68e88d5f78d9a27dfaa9. Early career. $59k - $65k/year.
Charging Technology Evaluation Engineer. Ionna. Raleigh-Durham, NC. https://app.trinethire.com/companies/324552-ionna-llc/jobs/100705-charging-technology-evaluation-engineer. 1+ year experience.
Human Resources & Training Associate. League of Conservation Voters. Washington, DC Metropolitan Area (Regular Hybrid Work). https://www.lcv.org/careers/human-resources-training-associate/. 1 year of experience. $59,160 – $74,160/year.
Performance I Engineer. Carolina Solar Services. Durham, NC. https://carolinasolarservices.bamboohr.com/careers/103. 1+ years experience. $56,000-$63,000/year.
Weatherization Program Manager. Colorado Energy Office. Denver, CO. https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/colorado/jobs/4838552/weatherization-program-manager. 1+ year experience. $70k-$80k/year.
Researcher (Chinese/English fluency). Global Energy Monitor. Remote. https://globalenergymonitor.bamboohr.com/careers/93?source=aWQ9Mjk%3D. 1+ years experience. $38.51/hour.
Associate Project Coordinator. SEI. San Rafael, CA. https://www.seiinc.org/careers.html?gh_jid=4501262008. 1-2 years experience. $33-$34/hour.
Partnerships Associate. Worldly. Remote. https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/worldly/efc27832-6fbc-4865-9717-9db7113684e7. 1-2 years of experience. $60k–$70k/year.
Green Lab Coordinator. Caltech. Pasadena, CA. https://phf.tbe.taleo.net/phf03/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=CALTECH&cws=37&rid=10244. 1-3 years experience. $68k-$80k/year.
Business Development Associate. Sustainability Roundtable, Inc. (SR Inc). Boston, MA. https://sustainround.bamboohr.com/careers/26. 2-3 years experience. $70k-$85k+/year.
Building Electrification Program Manager. Energy Outreach Colorado. Denver, CO. https://energyoutreach.org/careers/. 2-4 years experience. $75k-$85k/year.
Farm Energy & Agriculture Engineering Specialist. UMass Clean Energy Extension. Amherst, MA. https://careers.umass.edu/amherst/en-us/job/526185/farm-energy-agriculture-engineering-specialist. 2-4 years experience. $61k-92k/year.
Part Time Development Coordinator. Sustainable Living Association. Fort Collins, CO - Hybrid. https://sustainablelivingassociation.org/about-us/development-coordinator/. 2-5 years experience. $30-$40/hour.
Program Associate. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Menlo Park, CA. https://hewlett.hrmdirect.com/employment/job-opening.php?req=3314138&req_loc=588016&&&nohd#job. 2-5 years experience. $95k-$115k/year.
AZ Lead Organizer, Veterans Power America. Common Defense. Remote within AZ. https://www.indeed.com/job/az-lead-organizer-veterans-power-america-15bf63d3d279f487. 3+ years of experience. $65-80k/year.
NV Lead Organizer, Veterans Power America. Common Defense. Remote within NV (Las Vegas preferred). https://www.indeed.com/job/nv-lead-organizer-veterans-power-america-65bdfd87f9c92d1e. 3+ years of experience. $65-80k/year.
Sustainability Reporting Analyst. Marsh McLennan. Denver, CO or Broomfield, CO. https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/4167366517/?refId=cWn57DaX%2BNMKJltyc83hHg%3D%3D&trackingId=cWn57DaX%2BNMKJltyc83hHg%3D%3D. 3+ years experience. $63k-$126k/year.
Counsel - ESG. McDonalds. Chicago, IL. https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/McDonaldsCorporation/744000043825615-counsel-esg. 3+ years experience. $149k-$190k/year.
Climate Justice State and Local Policy Manager. National Partnership for New Americans. Remote. https://partnershipfornewamericans.org/job-opportunities/. 3+ years experience. $74k-$85k/year .
EV Program Strategy and Performance Analytics - Senior Specialist. ConEdison. New York, NY. https://ejcu.fa.us6.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1033/job/1955. 3-4 years experience. $110k-$130k/year.
Deputy Director, Mayor's Office of Sustainability & Resilience. City of Atlanta. Atlanta, GA. https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/4145680340. 4+ years experience. $80k-$104k/year.
Senior Manager, Innovations (EV charging). Walmart. Bentonville, AR. https://walmart.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/WalmartExternal/job/USA-J-STREET-OFFICE-SPACE-AR-BENTONVILLE-Home-Office/XMLNAME--USA--Senior-Manager--Innovations_R-2100274-1. 4+ years experience. $110k-$220k/year. [As someone who has used a lot of Walmart EV chargers in the last few days - please install canopies and put a trash can by the chargers.]
Senior Program Manager, Electricity Program. Clean Air Task Force. Remote in the U.S. https://www.catf.us/career/senior-program-manager-electricity-program/. 4+ years experience. $111k-$140k/year.
Senior Manager, JEDI and Employee Engagement. B Lab. Washington, DC. https://job-boards.greenhouse.io/blab/jobs/7885943002?gh_src=a12817092us. 4-6 years experience. $119k-$128k/year.